Enhancing Independence and Developing Self Confidence of Persons with Disabilities at Rajanganaya Tank
Enhances Independence and Self-Confidence: For many individuals with #disabilities, everyday life can be constrained by reliance on others. Traveling offers a chance to step out of their comfort zones, make decisions independently, and overcome challenges. As they successfully navigate unfamiliar environments, their self-confidence soars, and they gain a renewed sense of self-worth.
Manique Gunaratne created the opportunity for a group of persons with disabilities to visit the Rajanganaya Tank in Anuradhapura district in December 2021.
Rajanganaya is an ancient region which is 2000 years old. It is one of the 1655 lakes in Sri lanka in the Tank kingdom that very important things of the Sinhala culture have deposited. Before the arrival of Prince Vijaya, they had lived 4 tribal groups in Sri Lanka, namely yakka, Deva, Naga and Raksha. Among these tribal groups, main settlements and commercial city of the yakka, had built related to the Asela Pabbatha of Rajanganaya region.
According to the ancient folk tales the left band of the
Kalaoya was known as Giriba Rata and right band was Angamuwa rata. Maharapi Off the Rajanganaya tank way built
by crossing Kalaoya and Kaadigala had joing to the built tank bund. It was a creation of king Wasamba. According to the history prince Thissa the
son of the king Wasamba had built the '' Maha Mangala Vihara '' on the top of
the kaadigala to be memorized his beloved mother. In addition, that “Anula
Pabbatha Vihara”, Aselastupa and vihara was built relating to Angamuwa region,
for the memories of his mother.
Manique Gunaratne
Member of the National Council for Persons with
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