The Employers’ Federation of Ceylon has a membership of 680 plus member Companies. Formed in 1929, it was the first Organisation to register under the Trade Unions Ordinance and is the principal Trade Union representing employers. The EFC, with funding from the ILO, developed the Employers’ Network on Disability to facilitate employment and training opportunities in the Private Sector for jobseekers with disabilities, which was officially launched in the year 1999.
The object of forming the Network is to link the business community and the organizations dealing with disability issues to facilitate mainstreaming its work.
The Capacity Development for Local Governments (CDLG) Project of UNDP Sri Lanka is part of larger efforts by the Government of Sri Lanka to strengthen the local governance system in the country.
These efforts are supported by the European Union, and the World Bank.
Disability inclusion is one of the key strategic
priorities for UNDP Sri Lanka in keeping with the commitment of UNDP globally
and the new initiatives of disability inclusion strategy and their commitment
to leave no one behind.
A team led by Manique Gunaratne did a disability accessibility audit and a advocacy group discussions were held with persons
with disabilities belonging to Point Pedro Pradeshiya Sabha, and staff members
(persons with non-disabilities) of the Pradeshiya Sabha on how to have an
inclusive approach when providing services which already exists at the Point
Pedro Pradeshiya Sabha in Jaffna district in Northern Province in April 2022.
UNDP acknowledges the fact that disability is a crosscutting
issue which needs multi-stakeholder intervention including local government
Local Governments play a vital role in the lives of people
with disabilities because of their broad mandate.
Unlike most state government institutions, Local Governments
are multi-functional, with extensive responsibilities and activities across
property, community, and human service areas and, in addition, have the
capacity to make policy level decisions at the local level.
All these functions and decisions directly or indirectly
impact upon the quality of life of the people with disabilities who live, work,
and socialize in their local communities.
Manique Gunaratne
WhatsApp: 0094779571918
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